Governance Boards
The Daytona Regional Chamber of Commerce has several Governance Boards, comprised of chamber members that oversee the operations of the organization. The various boards. committees and task forces hold meetings as needed to assist with guiding the strategy for the organization. Only a few of these listed below accept open applications from membership. Many of this committees, boards and task forces are built by participants have have been appointed to serve.
Board of Directors
- Meets 8 times a year to ensure the chamber is meeting the needs of the membership. An election process is conducted for the Board seats to ensure diversity across many spectrums of the organization’s demographics.
Executive Board
- Meets monthly to prepare for the Board of Directors meetings and acts as the key leadership team elected by the Board to serve.
Accreditation Committee
- Meets as needed to complete the application process for accreditation with the US Chamber of Commerce.
Bike Week Task Force
- Meets as required by the City of Daytona Beach to conduct the permitting process for the ten-day festival. This meeting is subject to sunshine laws and participants are appointed to serve.
Finance Task Force
- Meets three times a year to produce the Daytona Regional Chamber’s annual operating budget.
Nominating Committee
- Appointed in compliance of the bylaws, this committee meets annually to produce a slate of directors for open Board terms to be approved by the membership.
Personnel Committee
- Meets once a year to conduct the evaluation of the Chamber’s CEO.
Signature Events Task Forces
- Meets as needed to produce can't miss annual events like the Annual Dinner & Golf Tournament
Strategic Planning Committee
- Meets as needed to produce a three-year strategic plan for the Daytona Regional Chamber