
Committees & Roundtables

Regional Business Connection

The lifeblood of all chambers is the active involvement of its members through their time, talent and treasure. The work of the Daytona Regional Chamber is done through boards, committees, task forces and focus groups, all supported by professional staff. Special roundtables may also be set up to address issues specific to an industry.

Standing Committees tend to meet on a more regular basis, and depending on the area of focus, may be program producing and/or a sounding board on issues with the goal of providing solutions.

Task Forces are typically started for a very specific purpose and have a time-certain goal to accomplish.

Roundtables are set up as industry or job position-specific groups. Criteria for involvement will be determined by the industry/position leaders and have strict rules of who can attend. These are meant to be a place where a group of members in like-situations can talk about issues, invite speakers of interest for either education or collaboration. Active roundtables include the Non-Profit Roundtable and the Hotel Owner/Senior Management Roundtable. 

Inquire to our Membership Team about where you might like to serve.