We Are Moving...Temporarily

We Are Moving...Temporarily


200 South Ridgewood Ave.

Daytona Beach, FL  32114


Dear Valued Members:


We are very excited that our building remodel will be starting in April.  With the support of our building owner the Daytona Beach Community Foundation and the Daytona Regional Chamber Board of Directors, we begin our journey to provide our community with a new Business Resource Center and Daytona Regional Chamber headquarters.  This has been years in the making and we are finally here.


Your chamber staff will move to our temporary home over the next few weeks at 200 South Ridgewood Avenue, Daytona Beach thanks to the generosity of Brown & Brown. We felt it was important to keep our staff together and provide a place to land as a team during the renovations so we can continue to work our mission of supporting business and providing a platform for engagement and opportunities. 


Most important, we have had several of our members step up to ensure the financing of the project through naming rights agreements. Additionally, grant support from the City of Daytona Beach and Daytona Beach Racing & Recreational Facilities District allows us to move forward with this legacy project for our community.


I would like to recognize those confirmed as of today.  There are still more opportunities so feel free to reach out if interested.


Brown & Brown Business Resource Center

Bomar Construction Collaboration Room

Cobb Cole Main Lobby Coffee Bar

Connie & Glenn Ritchey Sr., Café & Breakroom

Foundation Risk Partners Riverfront Balcony and Second Floor Electronic Room Signage

Halifax Health Executive Board Room

ICI Homes First Floor Electronic Room Signage

James Moore & Company Business Center Reception Room & Coffee Bar

S.R. Perrott Plug & Play Area

We will keep you posted on our progress which is expected to take about a year to complete. With that, we will turn the keys over to Bomar Construction to begin the demo in early April.

I am happy to answer any questions you may have or talk with you about additional recognition opportunities in our new building. 


Nancy P. Keefer, President & CEO

